


Bean Stalk snacks are fortified with calcium, and essential nutrient for growth, and help babies to grow with having fun eating.


Mild taste

With softness which melts easily in mouth

Easy for babies to hold and eat

Increase the enjoyment of eating by yourself. Easy to grab and eat.

Individually packaged for convenience and hygiene

No artificial colorants, preservatives or artificial flavor.

Around 6 months and up

  • カルシウムおせんべい
  • 6つの野菜おせんべい
  • カルシウム&6つの野菜
  • ひじきと青のりおせんべい

Around 7 months and up

  • 6つの野菜ボーロ
  • たまごボーロ
  • ウエハース

Around 9 months and up

  • 小魚おせんべい
  • えびと青のりおせんべい


These 3 snacks are fortified nutrition which parents want their babies to take.
To fulfill parents’ wishes for their babies’ growth, we fortified iron, calcium, lactic acid, oligosaccharides, and fiber.
  • 鉄入りおせんべい
  • カルシウム入りボーロ
  • 乳酸菌入りボーロ



These products are ready-to-eat baby food.
They were launched in response to the needs of mothers, identified based on the results of a nationwide survey of the dietary habits of babies (conducted in 2000), that "baby food should be nutritionally balanced and contain a variety of ingredients.
Ingredients from each of the three nutritional groups-vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates-are used in a well-balanced manner according to the baby's age.


Smooth puree 5-6 months
Designed to be crushed with the tongue 7-8 months
Designed to be crushed with the gums 9-11 months
Designed to be chewed with the gums 12 months and up

5-6 monthsSmooth puree

  • 6つの野菜の
  • 6つの野菜の

7-8 monthsSoft-cooked to be able to mash with the tongue

  • しらすと野菜おかゆ
  • 完熟トマトとツナの
  • まぐろと高野豆腐のうま煮
  • 豆腐と鶏肉の

9-11 monthsSoft-cooked to be able to mash with the gum

  • 鶏ときのこの煮込みうどん
  • 麩と鮭の五目煮
  • ツナと野菜のトマト煮
  • 鮭と野菜の石狩風煮込み
  • 五目鶏そぼろごはん
  • ほたてときのこのリゾット

12 months and upSoft-cooked to be able to chew with the gum

  • 鮭とひじきの
  • 栗かぼちゃのチーズドリア
  • 大豆とひじきの
  • 鶏といろんなきのこの

truly helpful for babies’growth

The role of baby food for a baby is not only to provide nutrition but also to support functional development, such as helping them learn to chew and taste, according to age.

At BeanStalk, safety is considered when developing new products.
If any department says "no," the product will not be commercialized. A product is commercialized because the professionals in each department have approved it for quality.

BeanStalk's product creation begins with the identification of ingredients' quality. Our commitment to the quality of ingredients is fundamental to us.

Here are some of the points of BeanStalk's commitment to ingredients.

Here are some of the points that Yukijirushi BeanStalk is committed to.

We only use ingredients that are
clearly significant and safe for babies.

Ingredients for baby food are subject to voluntary standards set by the Japan Baby Food Conference, which is comprised of six Japanese baby food manufacturers.

BeanStalk uses only ingredients that meet the Conference's voluntary standards as well as our own standards.
Our own standards are set for each type of ingredient, and only those that are approved these standards are used.

Ingredients are carefully inspected with
human eyes and hands.

Because our products are for babies to eat, we strictly inspect raw materials.
For example, we carefully remove the stems and stringy parts of carrots, broccoli, and other vegetables by touching them with our hands as well as visually inspecting them. We also check by hand to make sure that small bones are removed from fish and that they are not mixed in.

Each inspector does this carefully, rather than leaving the detailed work to machines, so that mothers can feed their babies with peace of mind.

Ingredients are carefully inspected with human eyes and hands.

Before manufacturing, "sensory tests" are conducted to confirm that taste, appearance, color of ingredients meet each standards. Only ingredients that pass the sensory test are used for products.

Snack Meal style

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